Dental Benefit – Baby Teeth
Baby teeth, why are they worth saving?
Many adults wonder why they should spend the high cost of saving their child’s baby tooth when they will fall out anyway. Although pulling a baby tooth may be less expensive if a dentist suggests doing a root canal and crown work to save the tooth, give some consideration and thought to what they are saying. There are good reasons you should keep a baby tooth compared to pulling a baby tooth too soon. Primary (baby) teeth serve several functions. Besides just letting your child chew, baby teeth are needed to learn how to speak correctly and play a role in the child’s physical appearance. Baby teeth are there to maintain the space required and to help the permanent teeth come in correctly. Pulling baby teeth too soon can make braces necessary for adult teeth Tooth decay in baby teeth can also affect the growth and envelopment of the permanent teeth. Damage to one can lead to damage to the other. This is why a dentist would want to treat and save any baby tooth whenever possible