Dental Benefit – Dental Insurance Needed
Broken Tooth and Gum Issues
Question: Over a year ago I broke one of my molars in the middle top right side of my mouth. It never really hurt or anything so since I did not have dental insurance and I was not working I never did anything about it. Now, however that tooth is really starting to hurt me and the gum line around the tooth is red and sore too. I now have a job but I still do not have much money. Will getting dental insurance really be worth the cost?
Reply: I would suggest looking into buying a Dental HMO insurance plan as they are low in cost and will help you save money on your dental care needs. Also most dental HMO plans do not have long term waiting periods for coverage’s to be effective for you that is important as you have current larger care dental needs.
Call our office at 310-534-3444 M-F 8am-4pm Pacific Standard Time. We be happy to help you with the different dental insurance plans we provide so you can get one that best fits your current dental care needs