Dental care, Is nail biting bad for your teeth
Dental care, Is nail biting bad for your teeth? I have a really bad habit of biting my nails. I been a nail biter for as long as I can remember. Some people try and tell me it is bad for my teeth. I take care of my teeth and have no cavities so I think they are just making it up but can you advise.
Tuesday, Feb. 1st 2011 3:51 PM at 3:51 pm
I am not sure how nail bitting is bad for your teeth unless you do it so much you nails get stuck in between your teeth. I guess to much of that may cause gapping issues. But that is a strech.
Tuesday, Feb. 1st 2011 3:53 PM at 3:53 pm
Bad for your teeth. I do not think so. However if you where to ask me what I think of nail biting I would say it is a gross habit and not one I would like to have to watch on a daily bases. Your friends are probly just trying to get you to stop it.
Tuesday, Feb. 1st 2011 3:56 PM at 3:56 pm
Kids and nervous people bit their teeth. It also makes your hands look like doo do. If you get a part of the nail stuck with in your tooth and gum line it will hurt you like heck. However I do not see where biting your teeth will give you tooth decay.
Monday, May. 9th 2011 10:25 AM at 10:25 am
Nail biting is very bad for the teeth and gums. For one, the constant pressure of biting over times wears away the enamel and can cause tooth chips and fractures. Second, your mouth and body ingest millions of bacteria and pathogens that can cause infection. Nail biters often experience gingivitis of the gums which causes pockets between the teeth and gums, abscesses, and loosening and possible loss of teeth. I’m speaking from experience as a midde aged adult and life-long nail biter.