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How can I get whiter teeth without the high cost of seeing a dentist.

Thursday, Dec. 2nd 2010 10:25 PM

My teeth are really health and I have no cavities or gum issues I see my dentist twice a year since I do have dental insurance that full pays for me to have my basic cleaning done.

My plan just does not cover for teeth whiting and my dentist told me the cost to do it at their office is $225.00.  This is way more money then I want to spend right now.  Any other good suggestions that really work ?

Posted on Thursday, Dec. 2nd 2010 10:25 PM | by admin | in Teeth Whitening | 3 Comments »

3 Comments on “

How can I get whiter teeth without the high cost of seeing a dentist.

  1. Benson Says:

    If all you want is a plan that will help your cost in having a whitening treatment then I would suggest looking at a dental discount plan.

    It sounds as if you are happy with the dental insurance you have right now. On a dental discount plan they will run around 8 – 10 dollars a month. You will save about 20 percent off of whitening treatment.

    So even when that is said in done if all you want is whitening treatments and nothing else I am not sure how cost effect it really.

  2. Troy Says:

    I would also suggest a dental discount plan since they do offer savings off whitening treatments. Where as many dental insurance plans would not cover for such a dental service.

    Though the last reply was correct to only use it for a whitening treatment may not be cost effective you would spend around $20 – $25 to get that in saving. Now if you plan to keep in and continue to use it for other dental services then it is well worth the cost of the plan.

  3. Andrew Says:

    I would advise in getting a dental discount plan. Most of our dental discount plan offer more then just dental discounts.

    Many people that do not have dental also do not have vision where as the dental discount plan offer both. for as little as $10 a month.

    I think a dental discount plan is somthing to take a look and and see all the benefits and how it can help you save money.

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