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Where can I get free dental health care.

Tuesday, Sep. 14th 2010 12:46 PM

Where is the free health care everyone was supposed to get?   I have some very bad teeth issues.  There have been times I have been in such bad pain that I could not sleep.  I been to the hospital but they do not do anything for me but one time give me pain killer and antibiotics.

I was told I would need to see a dentist for my teeth.  I been to the dentist once but was told in order to fix only the teeth that were really bad it would cost me over 5000.00.   And that was a long time ago.  I sure it is much  higher now.  Where do I go for free dental care?

Posted on Tuesday, Sep. 14th 2010 12:46 PM | by admin | in Toothache | 7 Comments »

7 Comments on “

Where can I get free dental health care.

  1. Mack Says:

    Instead of worrying about getting free dental care you should have been taking better care of your teeth so that you do not get to the point that you are having dental pain.

    For one there is nothing “free” about the changes in the medical care. I fail to understand people that fail to take any personal care in their own oral health and then when their teeth rot out you want free care.

  2. King Says:

    I am going to say true there is some personal responsibility for your own oral health care needs. However, if you do not have the money even for a low cost dental insurance plan like an HMO dental plan, then look into going to a dental clinic.

  3. Nancy Says:

    Most times a hospital will not handle teeth issues unless it is a direct health issue to you at that time. Even then the most they may do is pull your teeth.

    You are trying to get care at the wrong place. I would suggest the same staples that are used all the time. Dental clinics, or Dental Schools.

  4. Yee Says:

    Do you not have any money?? Many dental clinic will only do free dental care based on your income. Sometimes they are really only good for kids and not adults.

    I would at lease try and get 10 – 15 dollars together a month for some low cost dental insurance. That will help to greatly reduce your dental cost for services needed.

  5. Tonie Says:

    Please let me know if you do find free dental care for an adult. Even most dental clinics make you pay so does going to a dental school. Sure they are normally much cheaper then just going to a general dentist but they are not free.

    I think you will need to still save up some money for your dental care. Try putting at least $50 a month or so until you have some money to help pay your dental cost.

  6. Ida Says:

    From what you wrote about your teeth you are going to need major dental care. Which in and out of it self is not cheap why do you think that there would be a place that going to do thousands of dollars of dental work for free?

    Many if you were a minor that was not getting the oral heal care you needed but if you are an adult it becomes that much harder to find free dental care. You can try ADA (American Dental Assoc) but it looks like to me they are mostly for trying to help low income kids. There is also the United Way I guess you can look into.

  7. Mr D Says:

    Have you ever heard of brushing and flossing daily? Or could you not afford a toothbrush either? I do not feel bad for people that are always looking for the “free” route to everything on the backs of the tax payers that is paying for your “free” care.

    Nothing is free if you are not paying for it believe me someone is. Grow up and start taking care of your own basic needs. If you have access to a computer you can afford some basic dental care.

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