Dental Help, I burned the roof of my mouth.
I burned the roof of my mouth really bad. I not talking just a little I already got a big blister on the roof of my mouth. I am is great deal of pain. Help me what can I do to stop the pain. I just know this is going to be hurting me for days. NEED Help please advise.
Wednesday, Jun. 30th 2010 1:28 PM at 1:28 pm
No good new there. I once did the same thing and my mouth hurt for a solid week. It will just take time healing. On the bright side the inside of your mouth does heal fast.
I just took Advile when the pain got to me. It really only hurt when I ate after the first day. So buy some soft cold food so you can have it on hand.
Wednesday, Jun. 30th 2010 1:30 PM at 1:30 pm
Buy some ice cream keeping it cold will help you with the pain. Also rinse your mouth out with warm salt water before going to bed. You want to keep it clean so even if this hurt a little it will help the healing process.