Dental Benefit – Affordable Dental Insurance
Question: I see so many web sites stating “Affordable Dental Plans” and when I get there that is what they are dental plans not insurance. I do not want a dental discount plan. However is that the only thing that is affordable?
The dental insurance web sites I found and review are anything else but afforable. Starting at $50 and up a month for a signal person, which to me is not affordable. Is there really any low cost dental insurance plans?
Reply: Sound like to me with regards to insurance you are reviewing dental PPO’s plans. PPO’s insurance plans for dental do tend to be more costly but they have their place, especially if you are wanting to stay with a current dentist that only accepts PPO’s plans.
However, if you wanting a more affordable dental insurance plan I would suggest reviewing any dental HMO’s options that may be available to you. On average dental HMO for individuals run around $7-$25 depending on the plan and benefits provided.