Dental Benefit, Understanding A Dental PPO Plan Dental
PPO: In a preferred provider organization (PPO), network dentists accept a contracted fee as payment in full instead of their usual fee. Covered patients pay a percentage of the contracted fee, which is called coinsurance, the insurer pays the rest and the percentage varies with each category of service, which is typically broken down into sets of procedures that are diagnostic and falls under preventive, basic, or major restorative. In theses types of plan you will typically have to satisfy a deductible or office co-pay, as well as have n annual maximum limitation and waiting periods(depending on the plan).
It is important that you understand the terms and conditions/limitation of a PPO plan. However one main benefit of a PPO plan is that they normally have a larger provider data base and in most PPO plans you are able to also choose providers not in the plan network, allowing you to choose and or stay with your current dental provider.